Does Aluminum Conduct Electricity?

A common question people ask us is, “Does aluminum conduct electricity?” This article will cover if aluminum does conduct electricity, what applicators to use, and even how finishing helps conduct electricity. Does aluminum conduct electricity? The short answer is yes; […]

How to Polish Aluminum

There are many ways you can polish aluminum. In this article, we will cover the most common way to do it. Let’s get started! Can you polish aluminum? The short answer is yes — you can polish your aluminum. However, […]

Is Aluminum Recyclable?

A question we get often is, “Can you recycle aluminum?” The short answer is yes; aluminum is 100% recyclable! This article will outline common aluminum products you can recycle, how it’s recycled, the benefits of recycling, recycling facts, and tips […]

How is Aluminum Welded?

A common question is, “How is aluminum welded?” Aluminum can be very tricky to weld, so you need to be careful when doing so. This article will outline how difficult it is to weld aluminum, how to weld it, what […]

Can You Weld Aluminum to Steel?

We get many welding questions here at Tampa Steel & Supply. One of the most common welding questions is, “can you weld aluminum to steel?” Let’s explore the different ways you can weld aluminum to steel and some safety tips […]

Aluminum Facts

What comes to mind when you think about aluminum? For most of us, we tend to think about aluminum foil and other more basic uses of the metal. Aluminum, however, is an extremely versatile metal not to be overlooked. Check […]

Steel Angle vs Aluminum Angle: What’s the Difference?

Before we get into the meat and potatoes of what differences there are between steel angle and aluminum angle, here’s a primer on the material. Angle is a popular structural material that comes in an L-shape, created to offer better support in […]

How Long Do Aluminum Fences Last?

Aluminum fences are an investment for homeowners and business owners. When taking the time and money to add aluminum fences to your property, one of your first considerations is likely how long the aluminum fence will last. Keep reading to […]

The Infrastructure Bill, Florida and Steel

President Joe Biden signed a $1 trillion infrastructure deal into law. The Build America Buy America Act part of the bill will pour billions of dollars into state and local governments to fix outworn bridges, roads, transportation systems, and more. […]

Diamond Plate for Truck Bed

If you work in any sector of construction, you most likely own a pick-up truck. And if you do own a pick-up truck, it’s most likely one of your most prized possessions. That said, you would do anything to make […]